The Everyday in Pictures

Someone recently told me that we are quick to get pictures of the big events, holidays & milestones; but forget to take pictures of the regular stuff because its so regular. I am guilty of that exact thing. I keep meaning to take a picture of the girls reading together under the blanket, but never do. I'm trying to do better at doing this. Maybe committing to post pics on the blog will help me stay accountable....we'll see about that!
A typical outfit for my 5 year old. The twins gloves, Mia's leggings and of course a leotard!

All dressed up with the bows still in

Most of the pictures I take look like this. 
Valentines Day 2012.

One of my girls favorite people, our neighbor and babysitter, Maggie-- age 14

Sweet Jen-Jen-Jenners @ 13 months

Does anyone else have this annoying car that plays 3 little tunes? Natalie pushes the button 100X/ enough so you never hear each 'song' all the way through. Also notice she never got fully dressed this day. Jeans and a pajama top. Yup, that would be what happens when you have 4 kids in 4 years :-)

Bubba Joe @ 6 months old (one of my friends twins). Love this boy!!

Mia and her dad. Priceless.


Bethany said…
Love the pics!! Such sweet girls!
Anonymous said…
Love you blog! I'm enjoying catching up on your life!
Check out my blog at

God bless!
Teresa DeWolf

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