Don't Cry Over Spoiled Milk
Whoever said, "don't cry over spilled milk" never actually tipped over a bottle of human milk. They should have clarified that with "don't cry over spilled COW'S milk." And those same people never had to throw away old/bad/allergy-filled human milk either. When Mia was a baby I learned that I had an enzyme in my milk that caused it to taste different after being frozen. Allison never seemed to care, but Mia refused to drink my milk after it had been in the freezer. Once we discovered why she was refusing bottles, she only got the fresh stuff. I had about 85 ounces already in my deep freeze when all this craziness started. And for anyone who has ever pumped, throwing away milk is not easy. In fact, I couldn't do it. So it has remained in my deep freeze...until now. By the time the twins were born it was already passed the expiration date for frozen human milk. But I still couldn't bear to throw it out. Today I needed some space and actuall...