Halloween Beach Trip
We went to the Kelley beach house for a long weekend at Holden Beach. We haven't been in awhile and Allison said she didn't remember what the ocean looked like. The last time we went she did a lot of crying. This time, all the kids loved it. We even got to experience the SeaSide Festival & Parade. I thought Concord, NH had some sketch parades....this one may have won the prize. They did redeem themselves by throwing an exuberant amount of candy, which the kids loved. The festival had jump houses and yummy fair food (best corn dog I've ever had). We enjoyed a relaxing time and the kids played well together. Sweet Amanda with her mom where is the candy??? I can still carry Mia in the Beco (at 33 lbs) The band that led the parade. Hmmm, yeah, that's what we thought too. The kids loot from the parade. The ipad was a huge hit with the kids, especially Jackson & Allison playing in the sand I love 4 year olds! Watch ou...