
Showing posts from October, 2011

Halloween Beach Trip

We went to the Kelley beach house for a long weekend at Holden Beach. We haven't been in awhile and Allison said she didn't remember what the ocean looked like. The last time we went she did a lot of crying. This time, all the kids loved it. We even got to experience the SeaSide Festival & Parade. I thought Concord, NH had some sketch parades....this one may have won the prize. They did redeem themselves by throwing an exuberant amount of candy, which the kids loved. The festival had jump houses and yummy fair food (best corn dog I've ever had). We enjoyed a relaxing time and the kids played well together. Sweet Amanda with her mom where is the candy??? I can still carry Mia in the Beco (at 33 lbs) The band that led the parade. Hmmm, yeah, that's what we thought too. The kids loot from the parade. The ipad was a huge hit with the kids, especially Jackson & Allison playing in the sand I love 4 year olds! Watch ou...

9 months old

Natalie & Jenna are nine months old. The older they get, the easier and more fun they get. I really couldn't ask for better babies. We went for their well check today and they are doing awesome. A little on the small side for Voss kids, but over all doing great. A funny thing is that they both have really small heads (5%). They don't seem small unless I see a child with a large head. They are both still battling colds and thrush, but were well enough to get flu shots--so hopefully we can avoid that! I absolutely love our Pediatrician, Dr. Dees. She was so encouraging today. Most of the time people comment "I don't know how you do it," "I could never have 4 girls & survive," "You have your hands full!" etc, etc. Dr. Dees said, "You are doing a great job raising these girls. I love to watch them grow & they are doing fantastic." It felt really good to have that support. Natalie 17lbs 8oz (30%) 26 1/2 inches (20%) *ca...

When there are no words

Cancer. A house fire. A lay off. Divorce. The death of a child.  Lately, I've been scared to turn the computer on in the morning. It seems that heartache and tragedy are coming from every direction. Some people I know. Others are friends of friends. But in the age of facebook and blogs, it seems like we can get to know people that we don't know IRL (in real life). I get connected. I weep with them. I hurt. I have even gotten on my  knees in front of the computer and cried as I prayed for that person behind the screen. I want them to know I don't think its fair either. I want to offer words of support. I want to tell them I'm here. I grieve for them. I ache for their family. I want to say " I understand ," but in reality, I don't. I have been through some trials; but not those trials. So what do I say? How can I put my love, support and prayers into words? I can't. And it pains me that I can't. I feel lost So I pray. I know Jesus underst...

Apple Crisp

Apple Crisp II  (from This is one of the best Apple Crisp recipe's that I've tried in a very long time. The apples weren't mushy & had a good flavor. The crust (which I doubled) was perfect; although Patrick would argue that how could it not be perfect with a STICK of butter in it!

Dixie Classic Fair

Patrick and I look forward to the Dixie Classic Fair each year. This year the weather was perfect. We love watching the kids enjoy the rides while we enjoy all the awesome fair food (aka everything fried). Kids 7 & under get to ride all the rides for only $8 so its well worth the craziness on a Saturday! And I managed to get my fried snickers bar and the best root beer I've ever had (HillBilly Bob's). This year we went with some friends....and all our kids. We had six "walkers" and 3 babies. We kept counting the kids to make sure we didn't lose any. The kids were really good, but they did get excited from time to time and it was difficult to keep them corralled. I tried to scare Allison & Mia about strangers, but it didn't work very well. During the pig races, Mia ended up sitting in some strange guy's lap! AH! We all made it home in time for a nap. Thanks to Marie for these pictures! All kids are in this one! I HAVE to be tall enough this ye...

Maxie B's

Sadly, I already know what I'm giving up for Lent in 2012. My latest sweet obsession is cake. But not just any cake, Maxie B's cake. This locally owned bakery has the most phenomenal cake I've ever had. Patrick knows I must love it because I have no problem forking over $5 for a single slice. But for a slice of heaven, 5 bucks hardly seems like much! Pumpkkin Chocolate far, my favorite.

When more is less

The teacher in the preschool carline opened the van door & looked at me blankly. She couldn't speak, but I knew what she was thinking... "Woman, are you insane?" I had just come from picking up one of Allison's friends and my van was loaded with 5 girls. What she doesn't know is that having one of Allison's friends over to play actually makes my job easier. Honestly, it feels like I have less kids when we have friends over. They are happy, entertained, and dare I say, peaceful. More IS less!

October Birthdays

My mom's side of the family gets together a few times a year to celebrate a clump of birthdays together. We traveled to Leigh Ann & Jason's house this time to celebrate the October Birthdays.... Aunty Gayle, Uncle Larry (or was that Uncle Lester?), Leigh Ann, Michael & Sarah. We stopped at a Pumpkin Patch on the way in--right near Leigh's house. It was great--the weather was cool and they had a lot of fun stuff for the kids to do. The best part was the scary hay ride :-) As always, we had some great food including homemade chicken pot pie and the best carrot cake I've ever had--both made by Leigh Ann. The kids had a great time and it was nice to catch up with people we hadn't seen in awhile. Jennie had never seen the twins!  pumping water to make rubber duckies travel down  everyone loves Uncle Mike!  chicken pot pie!!