Dixie Classic Fair

Patrick and I look forward to the Dixie Classic Fair each year. This year the weather was perfect. We love watching the kids enjoy the rides while we enjoy all the awesome fair food (aka everything fried). Kids 7 & under get to ride all the rides for only $8 so its well worth the craziness on a Saturday! And I managed to get my fried snickers bar and the best root beer I've ever had (HillBilly Bob's).

This year we went with some friends....and all our kids. We had six "walkers" and 3 babies. We kept counting the kids to make sure we didn't lose any. The kids were really good, but they did get excited from time to time and it was difficult to keep them corralled. I tried to scare Allison & Mia about strangers, but it didn't work very well. During the pig races, Mia ended up sitting in some strange guy's lap! AH! We all made it home in time for a nap.

Thanks to Marie for these pictures! All kids are in this one!

I HAVE to be tall enough this year. Joy learned quickly to stand on her tippy toes to make the cut off.

I would not be able to survive these days without this wonderful woman. THANK YOU, friend for your constant help and treasured friendship!
Poor Brandon was outnumbered again. But hey, later on he'll have his pick of girlfriends!

We got a lot of comments on this. Whatever works!!


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