9 months old
Natalie & Jenna are nine months old. The older they get, the easier and more fun they get. I really couldn't ask for better babies. We went for their well check today and they are doing awesome. A little on the small side for Voss kids, but over all doing great. A funny thing is that they both have really small heads (5%). They don't seem small unless I see a child with a large head. They are both still battling colds and thrush, but were well enough to get flu shots--so hopefully we can avoid that! I absolutely love our Pediatrician, Dr. Dees. She was so encouraging today. Most of the time people comment "I don't know how you do it," "I could never have 4 girls & survive," "You have your hands full!" etc, etc. Dr. Dees said, "You are doing a great job raising these girls. I love to watch them grow & they are doing fantastic." It felt really good to have that support.
17lbs 8oz (30%)
26 1/2 inches (20%)
*can power army crawl
*get into, behind & under very small spaces
*eat just about anything--as long as its not green
*sleep in the crib, carseat, stroller or swing
*laugh, 'talk', say mama & dada
16lbs 13 oz (20%)
26 1/8 inches (10%):
*just started crawling...although its more like a very slow slink
*play peek-a-boo and laugh hysterically
*sit unassisted
*sleep anywhere
*be snuggled by anyone willing to hold her
*give a smile to light up the room