Dance & Swim Lessons
Being the oldest, Allison is getting to try stuff first. And she is the perfect one to do it as she likes just about everything. Since about 2 years old, Allison loves to dress up and dance around the living room. So she was in heaven when she got to dress up and dance with other little girls her age at "real" dance. We had heard about "In His Steps" from some friends of ours. And since one of those friends offered to pick her up and take her to dance, how could I say no?
In His Steps is actually a ministry of Tricia and Angie. They use their God-given talents and schooling in professional dance to help budding dancers praise God. They ask for a minimal donation for each class and use the money to help the poor in Nicaragua. The girls (of all ages) perform for nursing homes during the year and then have a "Night of Worship" with other churches at the end of the year. Allison has really enjoyed dancing this year. It's also neat to watch her break into dance when a song she knows some on the radio (KLOVE).
In His Steps is actually a ministry of Tricia and Angie. They use their God-given talents and schooling in professional dance to help budding dancers praise God. They ask for a minimal donation for each class and use the money to help the poor in Nicaragua. The girls (of all ages) perform for nursing homes during the year and then have a "Night of Worship" with other churches at the end of the year. Allison has really enjoyed dancing this year. It's also neat to watch her break into dance when a song she knows some on the radio (KLOVE).
Swim Lessons
We told Allison we are going to rename her Fish. This girl LOVES the water. LOVES IT. She was beyond excited to take swim lessons everyday for 2 weeks. Sadly, I have no pictures from said lessons. I fully intended to take my camera on the last day. Why do I do that to myself.?I should take it on the first day! Alas, no pictures, but I did want to document all that Allison and Mia learned in lessons. Well, all that Allison learned. It was kind of a wash for Miers. She held on to her instructor and only completed 3 of the 20+ skills on her list. Oh well, next year :-) Even being at the pool several days during the week, Mia is reluctant to get in the water and is still very skiddish (is this a word)?
We told Allison we are going to rename her Fish. This girl LOVES the water. LOVES IT. She was beyond excited to take swim lessons everyday for 2 weeks. Sadly, I have no pictures from said lessons. I fully intended to take my camera on the last day. Why do I do that to myself.?I should take it on the first day! Alas, no pictures, but I did want to document all that Allison and Mia learned in lessons. Well, all that Allison learned. It was kind of a wash for Miers. She held on to her instructor and only completed 3 of the 20+ skills on her list. Oh well, next year :-) Even being at the pool several days during the week, Mia is reluctant to get in the water and is still very skiddish (is this a word)?
Allison (at 5 1/2) can now:
*dive 5+ feet to retrieve objects
*float on front/back unassisted
*swim short length of pool unassisted
*jump from anything you will let her jump from
*beginning to learn proper swim techniques (breast stroke & freestyle)