
Showing posts from July, 2012

Black Thumb

I'm posting this picture for my friend, Rachel. See, you are not the only one who struggles with plants. I tried REALLY hard to love & nuture this little tomato plant. I'm hopeless....

Twins at 18 months

Natalie 22lbs 8oz (24%) 30 1/2 in (19%) *Babbles up a storm, and can have 2-3 minute monologues; but no real words in all that babbling except "here ya go." Super cute as my other kids didn't do this. *Real Words: mama, dada, bye, uh-oh, up ,here-ya-go, go ( should have 8+words and putting 2 words together). We have chosen not to pursue speech therapy at this time. *Signs: more, up, all done, eat, please, milk *"Reads" books to Jenna. I'm trying to get this on video but have been unsuccessful so far *Started real walking at end of 16 months after walking on knees for months *Sleeps through the night mostly and takes 1 nap (90min-2 1/2hrs). We are not on any kind of schedule. I don't mind, they sleep when they need to, and are super flexible *Sleeps in crib 50% of time, PnP in closet other 50% (depends on how Jenna is doing). Light sleeper. *Likes to eat, but much pickier than Jenna. Favorite foods are banana, cheese, yogurt, crackers, peanut bu...

Dance & Swim Lessons

Being the oldest, Allison is getting to try stuff first. And she is the perfect one to do it as she likes just about everything. Since about 2 years old, Allison loves to dress up and dance around the living room. So she was in heaven when she got to dress up and dance with other little girls her age at "real" dance. We had heard about "In His Steps" from some friends of ours. And since one of those friends offered to pick her up and take her to dance, how could I say no? In His Steps is actually a ministry of Tricia and Angie. They use their God-given talents and schooling in professional dance to help budding dancers praise God. They ask for a minimal donation for each class and use the money to help the poor in Nicaragua. The girls (of all ages) perform for nursing homes during the year and then have a "Night of Worship" with other churches at the end of the year. Allison has really enjoyed dancing this year. It's also neat to watch her break into...


  So I've been really slack with my blogging. When school gets out I am  inundated with summer activities and the constant bickering  talking of preschoolers. My computer time gets a major blow each summer. I think this is a good thing and I always vow to keep the screen time to a minimum when Fall rolls around. That has yet to happen! Ha! But I always have good intentions.  I'm going to try to play catch up with the next several posts. I'll have to come back later and add a few pictures, since I haven't taken any of the pool or fun summer activities we've done. I need to get a phone with a camera! Upward Soccer Allison loves to be involved in any kind of activity. She loves people and loves running around, so we thought she would really enjoy soccer. Yup, she was a natural. When I asked her what her favorite part was, she said, "snack." Ok, so she likes to eat too! Allison was one of the only aggressive players on her team. Imagine that?! ...