The Twins at 15 Months

20lbs 9oz (19%)
29 1/4 in (19%)
Head: 17 1/2 in (17%)
*Latest nicknames= Bugga; Bugga-Boo; Nattles
*"Talks" all the time. Sometimes it seems like she is having a full conversation of just babble. It's hilarious.
*Real words: ma-ma, da-da, uh-oh, "here-you-go," this, bye-bye, up
*Signs: more, up, milk, bye-bye, kiss
*Loves games. Natalie will spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out games. Dropping things in a box, simple puzzles, anything with a ball.
*Loves the remote & phones...but only if they are real. She can turn the tv on, turn the volume up, and mute the tv; call my friend Robn (she almost only calls Robn!!!) and use the ipad/itouch/kindle pretty good.
*Doesn't like to get messy when eating--and still prefers to be fed
*Not a whole lot of interest in real walking. She will walk on her knees and crawl mostly. She has stood up and taken several steps on her own, but doesn't want to practice this very much.
*The dominant twin. Loves to play with Jenna, attack her, take away her paci & sippy cup, etc.
*Sleeping through the night. Napping 1-2X/day.
*Still nursing :-)

20lbs even (13%)
29 1/2 inches (25%)
Head: 17 1/2 in (17%)
*Latest nickname: BaBa-Deesh; Jen-Jen Jenners
*Real words: bye, up, mama (occasionally). Showing the same speech patterns as her older 2 sisters :-(
*Signs: more, up, bye-bye
*super content baby; loves all people; no separation anxiety when dropping off at places, but if home wants to be in the same room as mom.
*Loves to be held. Loves the Beco, especially at dinner time.
*Loves bath time.
*Puts everything in her mouth.
*Messy eater.
*Wants to walk in the worst way, but timid about trying. Trys to push anything to walk around, ie stools, small toys, push toys. Pulls up on anything. Walking 6-7 steps on her own, but wants someone in front on her.
*Tolerates Natalie's torture for longer than you'd think. She will often look at me as if she is saying, "Come on, Mom, please save me from this!"
*Sleeping through the night. Napping 1-2X/day (more often just once).
*Still nursing :-)

I absolutely love this age. I wish I could freeze these babies at 15 months for a lot longer. They are so much fun! We moved them into the same room, but different cribs. I try to have them on the same schedule, but that only happens about 50% of the time. Natalie tends to fall asleep very easily in the car which throws us off of any kind of a schedule. I guess at this point, I don't really care what they do, since they are such cute, fun, good little babies. Plus, being babies 3 & 4 you just kinda go with the flow (or at least I do)!

They are hilarious to watch. They play together well and follow each other around. It will be fun to see them talk to each other.They are also really physical. I think this bothers moms of singletons sometimes. Their poor babies are not used to be mauled by other kids their same age. It's fun to get together with other twin moms because they understand the attacking/hugging/mauling....and their twins understand it too :-)

When they are done, they are DONE

I love to dress them the same, especially since they look so different.

I have noticed lately that Jenna almost always gets fully dressed, and Natalie is left half dressed or not at all. Hmmmm.....

I posted this picture already, but I love it & truly shows a unique aspect of twin life.

Again, Natalie half dressed. They love playing together with push toys.

LOVE my double stroller--they love it too

Cute picture of Natalie with Mason, our neighbor. 
We'll have to watch these two in a few years ;-)

Jenna=messy.   Natalie=clean


Momma said…
so cute! I am looking forward to the sleeping through the night!

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