
Showing posts from April, 2012

Daily Randomness

Just thought I'd post a few random pictures of our life this past week. The twins have been really sick with ear infections. Jenna had one for a week, and then Natalie. Of course it took three trips to the pedi (and $90 of co-pays) to finally get diagnosed. Hopefully they are good for awhile. I can't imagine this turning into a chronic thing. I feel for my friends whose kids have had to go through this. Add caption Allison and Patrick had some special time together this weekend, so Mia and I decided to paint nails. She was SO proud! The twins are fascinating to watch. Jenna likes to search and destroy. She is either putting stuff in random drawers in the kitchen or eating something non-edible. Natalie is my little thinker. She is constantly trying to figure stuff out. The other day she took a sheet of stickers, peeled them off one by one and stuck them on her shirt (much like Mia does). She also tried to figure out how to put a highlighter and pen cap on a crayon. W...

The Twins at 15 Months

Natalie 20lbs 9oz (19%) 29 1/4 in (19%) Head: 17 1/2 in (17%) *Latest nicknames= Bugga; Bugga-Boo; Nattles *"Talks" all the time. Sometimes it seems like she is having a full conversation of just babble. It's hilarious. *Real words: ma-ma, da-da, uh-oh, "here-you-go," this, bye-bye, up *Signs: more, up, milk, bye-bye, kiss *Loves games. Natalie will spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out games. Dropping things in a box, simple puzzles, anything with a ball. *Loves the remote & phones...but only if they are real. She can turn the tv on, turn the volume up, and mute the tv; call my friend Robn (she almost only calls Robn!!!) and use the ipad/itouch/kindle pretty good. *Doesn't like to get messy when eating--and still prefers to be fed *Not a whole lot of interest in real walking. She will walk on her knees and crawl mostly. She has stood up and taken several steps on her own, but doesn't want to practice this very much. *The dominan...

Easter 2012--Part 2

We traveled south to visit Patrick's sister, Sonja & her family, for Easter Weekend this year. I hope this will remain a yearly tradition. It was a fabulous weekend, minus a couple of blips. But really, with four small children, I don't think I can ever expect an uneventful trip. And what fun would my posts be if there wasn't some drama, right? :-) The drive down was....well....interesting. Rain, heavy traffic, a crying baby, and a tired 3 year old. We decided to stop at McD's early on to pacify the kids. The minute we pulled in, 3 fire trucks, 3 police SUV's and an ambulance followed us. Seriously?!?! Apparently a lady had passed out in her car while going through the drive-thru. The kids were entertained while we did food and bathroom breaks. The woman was fine and going to the hospital for testing. How Natalie wished the drive down went. She already has her "younger" sister doing the work!! Allison & Mia adore their cousins, Talia (...

Easter 2012-- Part 1

My kids made out really good this year with many Easter Egg Hunts. We ended the several-week-long extravaganza with a great party at Amber's house. This is where we used to have playgroup and it brought back a lot of memories for me. What a wonderful day! The Easter Story Ready to hunt eggs Enjoying the loot Arranged marriages are in our future :-) L-R: Natalie, Noah, Jenna, Ethan Natalie tackling Ethan. Both are Twin A. They are used to this and don't cry about it. I love it and am so happy to have friends to share the 'twin moments' in life with me! Amber's lovely table Butterfinger cupcakes. Recipe credit: Super yummy!