Thanksgiving in Atlanta

We started a new tradition last year of celebrating the Thanksgiving weekend in Atlanta with Patrick's sister and her family. They live in a beautiful home and welcomed our large, loud crew with love. We had such a relaxing day, beginning early by watching the parade & sipping hot cider. We didn't eat until later so we had plenty of time to prepare the meal, while snacking on Patrick's sausage balls and artichoke dip. The dinner was wonderful as well complete with a perfect turkey & all the fixings and finished off with a stellar pumpkin pie.
Brining the Turkey
Sonja's beautiful Thanksgiving table. Food just taste better when you can eat it like this!

But the best part, really a miracle to me, is that I was able to eat my entire meal while it was still hot. Yes, you read that right....the WHOLE meal. The twins had already napped and happily ate beside me in their booster chairs. Mia was still napping. Allison sat at the "kid table" with her cousins, and although interrupted us a few times, didn't need us to get up from the table. It was glorious!!
Pilgrim candy hats the kids made

Talia loved her some Jenna!

By the time I remembered to take pictures, Natalie was DONE!

Allison & Mia loved spending time with her cousins. They put many miles on the power wheels, thanks to the mild weather; and hours pretending and giggling in the playroom. Allison even convinced Sonja to dig through the girls shoes in the basement so she could match everyone by wearing "Belle" gold-glitter shoes.

Can Thanksgiving really be complete without a nap??

We celebrated Christmas on Saturday morning, complete with a Christmas breakfast, PJ's and lots of gifts. We are truly grateful for all we have been blessed with. THANK YOU, Rodriguez family, for your love, hospitality, patience and generosity!
Jenna-- 10 months

Mia-3; Allison--almost 5


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