Allison's Story

It's hard to believe that Allison is five years old. . . .

And that there was a point in time where I didn't know if we'd have children. After 3 heart-breaking miscarriages, I wondered if I just wasn't meant to be a mom. Then I met Dr. David Walmer. A reproductive endocrinologist at Duke, who has a passion for helping those of us with "multiple pregnancy loss." Most RE's don't know how to treat those of us with multiple miscarriages (mmc) because often no cause is found. The Duke Infertility clinic became a second home to me for over a year. Lots of prayers were said during that 1 hour drive there and many tears shed on the 1 hour drive home. I distinctly remember Dr. Walmer telling me one day after some bad news, "Don't give up. I have never seen a family go childless unless it was their choice to. Whether you have a baby biologically or through adoption....if you want a baby, I can help you get one." He then went on to share the story of his biological and adopted children. After that, I had no doubt that someday, somehow I'd be a mom!
Dr. Walmer

Fortunately for me, I had a likely reason for my mmc. I had a septum in my uterus. I large portion of my uterus had some extra lining. Embryos tend to implant on this barren tissue, are unable to get the blood & nutrients they need to grow, and die--usually between 6-12 weeks gestation. By removing the septum, my mmc issue may be solved. We were told this was not a guarantee as my mmc could have also been caused by chromosomal abnormalities. We knew our third miscarriage was a result of a chromosomal abnormality called Triploidy. I still think about this little baby, because we also found out it was a boy. Our only son. 

So after the surgery, some medication changes and a green light from Dr. Walmer.....we went on to conceive again, just 4 months later. And then the dreaded 12 week appointment came...and there was sweet Allison's little heartbeat! I was 12 weeks and my baby was still alive! We didn't find out if she was a boy or a girl. So you can imagine my joy when my miracle was born. A GIRL!!!! She was alive. Breathing. Crying. I was a mom....holding my miracle...I will never forget it.

Allison Lynn Voss
12/9/06 @ 12:05am
7lbs 15 oz
21 1/2 inches

Allison is special in so many ways. She is one of the most friendly, outgoing people you will meet. Like her mom, she is quick to wear her heart on her sleeve. She is easily excited, easily saddened, easily overjoyed, easily crushed. We say she is never, ever lukewarm....just hot and cold! She has always wanted to be out and on-the-go, even as a little baby. Her eyes are barely open in the morning and she is asking "where are we going today, who are we seeing, etc." And I have learned the hard way to leave some things off the list until the second they are happening or I'll be hounded every 5 seconds about when its going to happen. 

Allison is very time oriented. Thankfully she is quickly learning how to tell time and this is helping tremendously. She wants to know when and how long something is happening. She will often ask friends, "when are you going to leave?" Although that sounds rude (we are working on re-phrasing this question) she truly just wants to know how long that person will be around so she can soak up every second. This child NEVER wants to be alone. A true extrovert, she is energized by friends. She LOVES school, church, the park, swimming, dance & playing dress up. She will chose any outdoor activity over quiet, indoor stuff (she tolerates coloring, dolls, etc, but doesn't ever pick those things).

In her own words:
~Favorite Color: pink
~Favorite Food: chicken pot pie
~Favorite Candy: know, the kind Miss Amber has in her car
~Favorite Movie: Alice in Wonderland...{pause} or Dora {pause} or The Lion King. Allison--you have never seen the Lion King. Oh yeah, well then Ariel. 
~What do you want for your birthday? Presents  What kind of presents? The kind you open

Yup--that's her!!


Amber said…
LOVE IT!! Such a beautiful testimony to God's faithfulness and the amazing gift that is Allison :)
Kim said…
Thanks for sharing your story. How precious your family is! I love hearing about God's amazing work.
Ryan and Amy said…
Such an awesome story! Had never heard your "Journey" Shana! Knew a little, but not the details. Also didn't know you had a blog!! Can I link your blog from mine? Love the interview with Allison. And I agree girl, I like the kind of presents you open!
Erin said…
Beautiful Shana! God is so good.
greg's wife said…
Shana, I love your doctor! Love what he said about having a child. Love this blog and your wisdom. Miss you! Passed your blog to my sister who is soon to have her twins. C
Jennifer Burney said…
I had no idea! Awesome, encouraging story; thanks for sharing!

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