It's hard to believe that Allison is five years old. . . . And that there was a point in time where I didn't know if we'd have children. After 3 heart-breaking miscarriages, I wondered if I just wasn't meant to be a mom. Then I met Dr. David Walmer. A reproductive endocrinologist at Duke, who has a passion for helping those of us with "multiple pregnancy loss." Most RE's don't know how to treat those of us with multiple miscarriages (mmc) because often no cause is found. The Duke Infertility clinic became a second home to me for over a year. Lots of prayers were said during that 1 hour drive there and many tears shed on the 1 hour drive home. I distinctly remember Dr. Walmer telling me one day after some bad news, "Don't give up. I have never seen a family go childless unless it was their choice to. Whether you have a baby biologically or through adoption....if you want a baby, I can help you get one." He then went on to share the stor...