
Showing posts from December, 2011

Keeping it Real

You know you are a mom of twins if they eat cheeseburgers & candy before their first birthday.... You know you have a second child when they get very crafty and determined.... You know you are a mom of preschoolers if the top of your frig looks like this: *note knives, markers/pens baskets, toys in "time out," and various snacks :-)

Christmas Time Fun

This is the first year that I have made it a point to try as many new Christmas activities as I can. Some people think Christmas should be simple and reflective. But they don't have a 5 year old named Allison. I think her love language is "going places." And honestly, I enjoy doing stuff too. The refection can come later!!  I tried really hard to get most of my shopping done early so I could enjoy the hussle-bussle of December and we have had a really good time so far. Yes, we're a bit tired, but its been really fun. Some stuff I wouldn't do again but most of it has been good enough to make to the blog :-)  We'll see what sticks in the year to come. #1 The Tree Balls. No pictures of those but we I did get a few of the girls before we went. They ask about this almost daily so I think they liked it. Actually I think they liked getting out of their car seats the best (gasp!) while we crawled along behind the nursing home buses looking at the cool lights. PJ...

Allison's Story

It's hard to believe that Allison is five years old. . . . And that there was a point in time where I didn't know if we'd have children. After 3 heart-breaking miscarriages, I wondered if I just wasn't meant to be a mom. Then I met Dr. David Walmer. A reproductive endocrinologist at Duke, who has a passion for helping those of us with "multiple pregnancy loss." Most RE's don't know how to treat those of us with multiple miscarriages (mmc) because often no cause is found. The Duke Infertility clinic became a second home to me for over a year. Lots of prayers were said during that 1 hour drive there and many tears shed on the 1 hour drive home. I distinctly remember Dr. Walmer telling me one day after some bad news, "Don't give up. I have never seen a family go childless unless it was their choice to. Whether you have a baby biologically or through adoption....if you want a baby, I can help you get one." He then went on to share the stor...

Twins 10 Months

Natalie and Jenna are at such a fun age! They discovered each other in the past few months and are really beginning to play together. They make each other laugh and fight over toys. It's really fun to watch. They are both fully crawling on their hands and knees; and love to discover everything through their mouths. They will find the smallest bit of paper to eat and we are constantly vacuuming and picking up after the big girls. Jenna began pulling up to her feet in the past few days but can't get down and cries out in anguish at the position she's in. The has been happening a lot at night times for mommy! Natalie can pull up to her knees, but doesn't prefer to, and still lays happily on her tummy to play. Jenna also began babbling this month, although Natalie is far ahead in her speech. Both girls can sign "more" and are good eaters--Natalie much more adventuresome with her food preferences.