First Day of School
As soon as Allison could talk, she was asking to go somewhere. So at 2 1/2 we sent her to preschool. She loved it from day 1. She has continued to love going to Jamestown Presbyterian Preschool and is now in her 3rd year. She goes Monday-Thursday from 9a-1p and is in Mrs. Nutt and Mrs. Hamilton's class. She met Mrs. Nutt on the playground last year and we were so excited that she could be in her class and see her daily. In her class of 15 kids, she knows over half of them and they have grown up together in JPP. Brandon's mom, Robn, has been a tremendous help to me since having the twins; and we occasionally share carpool.
Mia is not like her older sister. We put her in preschool so that I could have a break, but she is having a hard time adjusting. Since the cut off date for Guilford County Schools (GCS) is August 31st, she misses it by a week and is in the 2 year old class. Since she continues to need speech therapy, this is working to our benefit. Mia is in Mrs. Razik's class this year.
Mia is not like her older sister. We put her in preschool so that I could have a break, but she is having a hard time adjusting. Since the cut off date for Guilford County Schools (GCS) is August 31st, she misses it by a week and is in the 2 year old class. Since she continues to need speech therapy, this is working to our benefit. Mia is in Mrs. Razik's class this year.